Growing Up In Philly My brother and I were very lucky to grow up in Philadelphia.  Philly is a tough blue collar town and sometimes people from outside of Philly don’t always get us.  People from Philly are straight shooters, unabashedly direct and sometimes brutally honest. We know what we like and we tell you how we feel.  We take great pride in our city, our roots and our sports. 

前几天,六月,17日,四川宜宾市长宁县发生了6.0级地震,震源深度16千米。目前,按照我所看到的新闻报导,有十几个人死亡,两百多人受伤。听说成都市民,在地震前约一分钟左右,收到了所在社区通过广播进行的预警,德阳市、资阳市等地的广播电视机构也通过电视进行了提前预警。从预警视频显示,随着倒计时10、9……1,警报声开始大作,地震震波到来。这种自然灾难总是很可怕也没有多少时间准备,会让每个人很觉得难过。我们全心❤️祝福中国,祝福四川的兄弟姐妹!我们为中国祈祷!上天祝福四川!--赛日 A few days ago (June 17) there was an earthquake in the Sichuan Province of China, particularly in YiBin City. As of the most recent reports, about 15 people were killed and another 200 plus injured. It’s a very sad situation. Our hearts go out to everyone in China and throughout Sichuan Province. We’re whole heartedly praying for everyone and send our sincere blessings to all!! God Bless Sichuan!!

中國,一個關於前世的記憶,一個將我帶離美 國的地方。五歲那年起,中國的聲音在呼喚我,要 我在今生去聆聽、找尋。這聲音更像是一個強大的 磁體,把我牢牢吸引。 還記得在幼稚園時,班裡有個中國女孩叫美, 她坐在我的旁邊,她就像她的名字一樣美,我被她 深深地迷住了,我們成了相處很好的朋友,我們一 起玩,一起用只有我們懂的語言交流。 記得有一次,班上有一個「介紹物品」的活動。 美帶了一些美麗的中國裝飾品,和一些特別的東西 到教室裡。她描述這些東西,並告訴大家這是從她 的家鄉中國帶來的。這個小小的演講給我留下了非 常深刻的印象,一想到這些東西是從一個遙遠神秘 的叫中國的國度來時,我就被迷住了。 當時我覺得,任何一個可以創造出像美這樣漂 亮的小女孩的地方都是特別的。作為一個有著豐富 想像力的男孩,我在頭腦中想像這片美麗神奇的土 地,和美的友誼讓我第一次接觸到了中國文化。 在接下來的 8 年裡,我和美一直是同學和朋友。 她或許從不知道,是她把我靈裡某種追溯命運的火 花點燃了。

By: SIRIS (Michael Maley) We’re pleased to announce a new single to be released soon, called “Pure Poison” or “Otrava Pura” (in Romanian). The new single is finished, along with several other new songs I cooked up for the forthcoming SIRIS album. It’s been a long time coming.  For the past few years, we’ve been working on several new songs.  I was personally inspired by many life experiences, which gave